HerShe Conversations™️
A Live Journal Experience
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September 28, 2024
4:00pm -7:00pm
Experience the power of introspection at our Live Journal Experience! Guided by a thought-provoking question, your answers will unearth deep insights that will transform your life. Don't let this opportunity slip by!
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Hello, My Beautiful Friend,
I'm Tawana
"I realized that I needed a ME when I was struggling in my life, So... I BEcame HER for You"
How It Started: My Story
After years of drowing myself in people, places, and things and still feeling unsatisfied, I knew I needed to make changes in my life. From the outside, my life looked great. I had a beautiful career, beautiful family, I had nice home, traveled... had beautiful things.Yet, silently I felt unfulled and unsatisfied. There came a time in my life where another trip, another vacation, more money, another expensive bag, a pair of shoes, a night on the town, a day at the spa....could not do it. Although they all loved me, my children could not love me enough, my husband could not love me enough, my family and friends could not love me enough... I needed to love me. I was surrounded by people, yet I was deeply lonely and disconnected. Nothing could fill the empty space inside of regret, shame, guilt and judgement I was silently dealing with. It looked good, but I got to the point where I needed to feel good... About ME!
I was tired of the comparison, tired of the people pleasing, tired of putting myself on the back burner so others were happy with me, tired of failed relationships and picking the same type of guys, tired of not feeling good enough, and tired of feeling stuck, loss, and hopeless in how to change it. I was tired of hiding and keeping up pretences that I was happy and everything was perfect. It was exhausting. I started on a path of what I thought was to find inner peace, joy, and happiness and instead I found me creating inner peace, happiness, and joy. I was looking for me all along.
Excited about my beautiful journey I began to share with others the path I had taken, and soon realized I was not alone. My story was not as unique as I had thought and I saw that many suffer in silence, hiding the pain, frustrations, and disappointment behind a smile. Following my heart, passion, and leading with love and understanding, helping women redesign and realign their lives to one they want, desire, feel they deserve, and most importantly, one that they love, became my purpose. I became certified as a Transformational Life-Coach, specializing in Self-Love and help women develop and nuture the most important relationship they will ever have in their life, the one with themselves.
Learn to create a strong foundation of Self Love & Gain the power to stay true to yourself with support and guidance. Strengthen your ability to CHOOSE YOU, by choosing love for yourself, instead of putting guilt, shame, blame, criticism, stress, and pressure on yourself.
YOU deserve YOU too!
Clients who seek coaching usually....
- Are feeling anxious, stuck or unhappy in life and want to feel better
- Have doubts, limiting beliefs, or lack confidence to go after their goals (e.g. not good enough, fear of failure).
- Want to feel more calm, whole, fulfilled, and motivated
- Are confused about what they truly want and feel like they keep ending up in similar unhealthy situations or have the same unwanted results (e.g. in dating, purpose or location).
- Want to get out of their head and into their heart and trust themselves more.
- Want to shift into more confidence, worthiness and into being the woman they know they can be.
- Secretly don’t feel good enough, pretty enough, smart enough… ENOUGH
- Beat themselves up because they had a vision of what life ‘should’ look like and because they haven’t lived up to that vision, can’t stop the negative self-talk
- Feel unworthy and find that their self-worth is entirely dependent on what others think, accept, or approve of, especially a man.
Choose Your Path of Love and Start Now
You Deserve You More Than Anyone Else....
90 Minute C0aching Session
Personal Assessment
90 Minute Coaching Session
Audio Recording of Session
f/u email with homework
Personalized Action Steps tailored to your needs/goals
Free Faceobook Group
Youtube Channel
Inidivdual Self-Love Coaching
Workbook Journal
Personal Assessment
(3 ) 60 Min 1:1 Coashing Session
Pre-Session Worksheets
Post-Session Action Steps
Daily email affirmations, inspirations, and motivational content
Your Guide to Feeling Good Enough
Free Facebook group to share your journey
* all conducted Online
7 Week Self-Love Course
Workbook Journal
Personal Assessment
(2) 30-min 1:1 Coaching Sessions
(4) 90 min Group Coaching sessoions
(6) Weekly Pre-recorded Video
(6) Weekly 3 page download
Your Guide to Feeling Good Enough
Daily email affirmations, inspirations, and motivational content
* all conducted Online
Try It On My Own
Workbook Journal- Paint Yourself Beautiful
Complimentary Pen ad Book Mark
Ebook - Your Guide to Feeling Good Enough
Daily email affirmations, inspirations, and motivational content
Free Facebook Group
Youtube Channel
* all conducted Online
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Paint Yourself Beautiful Workbook 1
Book and Workbook Journal takes you on a journey from where you are to the to the person you desire to be. Through self-discover, self-acceptance, and unconditional self-love, these journal prompts help you shift your perception of yourself by guiding you into your inner world so you can be who you want to be and live the life you want to live. It all starts with you. The Masterpiece is You.QuantityComing soonBelieve In the Power of You Meditation Candles
Sandlewood and Musk: Tune into the Depths of your Inner being as you connect, embrace, and align with your higher self. Believe in the Power of YOU. You are more powerful than you know. Remember to know you is the love youQuantityComing soonHave Faith In the Power of You Meditation Candles
Have Faith in the Power of You Natural Aromatherapy Candles Tune into the Depths of your Inner being as you connect, embrace, and align with your higher self. Have Faith in the Power of YOU. You are more powerful than you know. Remember to know you is to love youView more details...QuantityComing soonBLOG
April 1, 2020February 14, 2022 · Self-loveContact Us
Dont be afraid to reach out. YOU + US = Awesome!
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email: Info@paintyourself beautiful.com
- 1968 South Coast Highway
- Laguna Beach, CA 92
- (877) 588-9680
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